Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Sacred†Vampire Review

Kiryuu Kazuma is a vampire. As a child he was filled with hatred and contempt for all the humans of the world and sucked their blood with joy. However, one day, he encountered a girl whose song quieted his hatred and swept away his lust for blood. While he lost contact with her after the church in which she sang burned down, he encounters her once again, as they end up in the same class at the high school he attends.

Plot 5/10: To be blunt, the plot of this VN is not paced very well. The story occasionally pretends to have deep insights but is so straightforward that a five year old could figure it out in advance. In addition, the protagonist is a self-hating vampire who constantly dwells over how he doesn't deserve to be loved, making things more than a little irritating. The strongest redeeming factors in this are his elder sister/heroine Kiri's hilarious lifestyle habits and the hilarious exchanges between him and his friends. However, in the end that is only enough to make it an average eroge at best.

Visuals 7/10: While the game is visually pretty, it is no more so than any number of other eroge I've played over the past few years. If I had to put up a good point it would be the backgrounds and cgs - which have a decent impact, for all that I've seen better.

Sound 6/10: Generally speaking, the soundtrack is fairly standard as eroges go, with the bgms for the most part sounding like they were recycled out of the giant eroge music-basket in the sky. The voices, however, are for the most part very well-done, with Seira's being the only one that is a bit annoying at times.

Overall 6/10: Unfortunately, this eroge turned out to be something of a 'miss', but then, I played it on impulse, so I guess that's no surprise. The only people I can recommend this to really are the vampire-obsessed, and I think even they would probably be disappointed.

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