Synopsis: Gore Screaming Show is a VN set in a small city where a guy named Jinno Kyouji has just returned after three years living elsewhere, to live with his cousin, Yamiko. Recently, there have been incidents involving people disappearing, and on his way to school, he encounters a beautiful girl who welcomes him back...
Plot 7/10: To be honest, the plot of this VN, save for Yuka's and Yamiko's paths, is somewhat lacking. It's not that its nonexistent, its just that in most of the paths, the characters are subjected to one-sided horror without any real explanation of what's going on, except that Yuka hates anyone who gets close to Kyouji other than her. The 'good' endings for each of the three main heroines are decent (with Aoi's being the best of the lot), but there is a definite feeling that the story often took second place to a desire to creep out the reader. The 'bad' endings are... full of gore and rape-scenes... for those who are seeking that kind of thing, they are ideal. However, because Yuka's and Yamiko's paths really are that good, I felt that the plot was worth a seven rating, despite the flaws of the other three heroines. If I had to put my finger on an aspect of the plot that stands out... its that it often reminded me of the cheesy horror movies made in the US in the eighties. Well, the plot was better than those things, but the way you never quite understood what Gore and Yuka were thinking (in the main paths) and their heavy use of illusions and their seeming immortality all reminded me of those movies, given a new spin.
Visuals 10/10: This area is one in which the game shines... the visuals in this game are superb - which makes some of the scenes even more guro than they would be otherwise - the characters are very prettily done, their expressions having a real impact on the reader. There are numerous CG's and the art style is very eerie and fitting for the nature of the plot.
Sound 9/10: Though the bgms tend to all be either sad, dark, or grim, they are all excellently done. This is one of the few VN OST's that will remain in my memory. The sound effects are... well, lets just say they are meant to get you thinking about what you are hearing... and it does. The guro scenes and the ero scenes both are very strongly driven by their sound effects and voices...
Overall 8/10: If I were honest, I probably would give this a lower grade from my point of view since my first priority is always the plot, but the other aspects of the game are done so excellently that it really is worth giving it this rating. This VN is extremely gory, with an excess of h-scenes... to be honest, I think even most guro lovers might have trouble with this one. However, if you have a strong stomach and a fascination with horror, this VN is an excellent choice. Unfortunately, I can't recommend it except to those who have already been initiated thoroughly to the world of guro.
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